Table of Contents
Structure of the School Day
The school day is as follows:
- Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 4:00pm
- Friday: 9:00am – 1:15pm
Details for class times, breaks and lunchtimes can be downloaded below.

‘Missing School Missing Out’
Good attendance is highly valued and rewarded at Deele College. Full attendance is rewarded with incentives such as trips to soccer matches, vouchers & pizza party.
Attendance by our students is closely monitored throughout the school day. Text sent home to parents if student does not attend 1st class of the day.
Additionally the number of school days missed by each of our students throughout the academic year is carefully watched.
School Attendance is so important and we here at Deele College value consistent attendance at school as it..
Helps a child’s development
- School helps children make friends
- Gain new skills
- Provides qualifications
Provides positive experiences
- New exciting opportunities
- Builds children’s self esteem and confidence
Provides Proven results
- Good attendance is linked with higher achievement in exams
- Your child can reach their full potential
The complete school uniform is to be worn at all times.
Boys & Girls Uniform
- Navy V Neck Sweater with Official School Crest
- Grey Shirt
- Dark Grey Trousers
- Black Shoes (No white soles are permitted)
The official navy school jacket with crest is the only jacket allowed inside the school building
Optional PE uniform is also available to order from the school.
The Deele College uniform is available from County Seat, Letterkenny and McElhinneys, Ballybofey.
Student Journal
Deele College considers the Student Journal a very Important resource for our students. Students are required to have their student journal with them at all times throughout the school day.
It is a daily point of contact to home and parents regarding homework, absence/signing out/in and notes from teachers.
It provides students with information on School Rules, Learning Techniques, Study Times, Wellbeing, Bullying, Assessment and Safeguarding etc.

Books Lists
Books Lists
Books Rental Scheme
Deele College offers a book rental scheme to all students enrolled in the College. Download the terms and conditions that apply to the Book Rental Scheme for 2020-21 below.
Each student is provided with a combination lock and code. It is very important that students keep their code safe & somewhere they can access it.
Unlocking your Combination Lock
- Step 1 – 3 full turns clockwise (to your right)
- Step 2 – After 3 full turns, continue clockwise to the 1st number of your code
- Step 3 – Going anti-clockwise (to your left) go to your second number, but you must pass your 1st number first
- Step 4 – Clockwise, go directly, to the last number of your code
(If you pass your number by mistake you must begin all over again with 3 full turns clockwise)
It is the student’s own responsibility to look after their locker and it’s contents Examples – Textbooks, copies, folders, jackets etc. NO items should be lying on the floor around your locker