A Teaching, Learning, Assessment and Reporting (TLAR) Core Team was established in 2019 to develop a comprehensive plan around this key area for Deele College.
The focus of the group will be to develop a student centred active approach to teaching, learning, assessment and reporting.
The TLAR core team consists of senior leadership, middle leaders, subject teachers, the SEN department and interested teachers who expressed a willingness to give of their expertise to develop this policy. Regular meetings were held to develop targets and actions that promotes and enhances a consistent approach to teaching, learning and assessment.
The committee will source and develop material for subject departments and teachers. Teachers will be encouraged to discuss and exchange resources and methodologies. They will investigate how best to introduce these ideas and methods into their subject planning and teaching. The committee will encourage internal departmental collaboration and the sharing of best practices.
This approach will build on the 2017-18 Forbairt project, where the Junior Cycle key skill of being creative and effective questioning was a key focus.
The vision for the core team is to establish a policy for all members of the Deele College community and provide a platform for each member of the community to excel and reach their potential.