Study Skills
“More important than studying hard is to have a good strategy”
Start with Good Habits
- Your STUDY AREA should be well lit, organised & quiet
- Make TO DO LISTS at the beginning of each study session & cross off as you go
- Become familiar with PAST EXAM PAPERS, so you know what layout to expect
- Make sure you get enough sleep the night before your exams
- Switch off the phone
- Use Speech Cards or Sticky Notes to help remember important points
- Have a good breakfast / lunch to help your concentration
- Ask your teachers lots of questions
- Get involved in your lessons
- Take regular breaks at least every 50 minutes & get up & move about
- Divide out your time carefully in exams to answer all questions
- Make a Study Timetable – study the hardest subject when you are feeling most alert
- Read the questions very carefully
- Do not just re-read, take notes, draw diagrams, test yourself
- Always use all of the time given for the exam. Never leave an exam early!
- Keep up to date & complete all subject homework!!