School Transport 2023-2024

Odhran Feeney recieving The Mick Hogan "Student Voice Award"

Please find below some very important information from the Department of Education in regards to school transport to Deele College for the school year 2023-24. 

1. New Applicants – Apply By 28th April 2023

The Bus Éireann family portal is now open for new applications for school transport services for the 2023/24 school year. New applications are considered
1. pupils who will be attending junior infants in primary school or first year in post-primary school for the first time in 2023.2. pupils that may move home address or will be attending a new school in the 2023/24 school year

Applications can be made by visiting

The closing date for new applications is Friday 28 April 2023. Any new applications made after the closing date are considered late applications and families are not guaranteed a seat.  

2. All Applicants- payment/enter medical card details – closing date 9th June 2023

The Bus Éireann family portal will be open to accept payments/medical card details from 3rd April 2023 until 9th June 2023. Payments made after the deadline date will be deemed late and families are not guaranteed a seat at that stage.

Payments/medical card details must be submitted for:

  • new applicants, and;
  • pupils who have previously applied/availed of school transport and require a seat on a service for the 23/24 school year.

Children (who are eligible for school transport) and who possess valid medical cards (GMS Scheme) are exempt from paying the annual charge; however, their medical card details must be submitted to Bus Éireann. Bus Éireann will accept medical card details from 3rd April 2023 until 9th June 2023. Medical card details received after the 9th of June deadline are considered late. 
Families are strongly urged to make sure that they pay/enter valid medical card details on or before the deadline of 9th of June 2023. 

The Annual Charge for School Transport Services for the 2023/24 school year is set out below: 


Please ensure that you complete this on time as Bus Eireann will not guarantee school bus tickets outside of these dates. 

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